RAC FM Special: Neutron dApp Developer Roundtable

Thanks for checking out another episode of RAC FM! Today the gang is hosting the Neutron dApp developer roundtable. You’ll hear from Robo, Bbandz, søi2studio, Retro, Robyn, Deploydon, donovan.astrø, Elijah, Ivan Kostov, Levana Perps, anon, Spaydh, Mitya, Dohko, Apollo, and more! Recorded on August 1st 2024.

RAC FM is powered by TerraSpaces. Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

TFM X Neutron: The Center of the Interchain

Today on the Ether we have Rebel DeFi with TFM hosting a space with Neutron. You’ll hear from Spaydh, Deploydon, søi2studio, and more! Recorded on April 11th 2024.

Make sure to check out the newest tracks from Finn and the RAC FM gang over at ImaginetheSmell.org! The majority of the music at the end of these spaces can be found streaming over on Spotify, and the rest of the streaming platforms.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

Space Skellies Big Change Update

Today on the Ether we have the Space Skellies hosting a chat discussing some big upcoming changes. You’ll hear from Bbandz, EJ_SpaceSkellies, Bryson, OSB, RektSteve, The Space Ape Society, Hooligan, Deploydon.bust, Sunnyside Reapers NFTs, and more! Recorded on October 19th 2022.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

NFTs 2022 Looking Forward with the Anarchists and Frens

Today on the Ether we have a project packed space discussing the future of NFTs looking forward hosted by the Anarchists. You’ll hear from Psych, Space Skellies, rekt vee, Genesis Wolves, Rekt Wolf NFTs, MutantZ, GraviDAO, Deploydon.bust, Space Toadz, TheDefiJedi, OnePlanet, and more! Recorded on August 16th 2022.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

The DeFi Jedi NFT Shill and Chill Pt.1

Today on the Ether we have part 1 of a 2 part DeFi Jedi NFT shill and chill. You’ll hear from k:Cameron Bright, Finn, Tradooors NFT, WolfmanKnows, KiD Krypto, The Matic Man, Deploydon.bust, DonkeyKicksnft.ETH, sparryw.eth, Shaun Cxrter, chainlinkpeasant.eth, and more! Recorded on August 15th 2022.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.