Thirsty Sers Day Ep 2

Today on the Ether we have Obi hosting the second episode of Thirsty Sers Day. You’ll hear from panterra, Joseph, and more! Recorded on February 8th 2024.

Make sure to check out the newest tracks from Finn and the RAC FM gang over at! The majority of the music at the end of these spaces can be found streaming over on Spotify, and the rest of the streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

Thirsty Sers Day Ep 1

Today on the Ether we have Obi hosting Thirsty Sers Day. You’ll hear from panterra, Joseph, Pete, and more! Recorded on February 1st 2024.

Make sure to check out the newest tracks from Finn and the RAC FM gang over at! The majority of the music at the end of these spaces can be found streaming over on Spotify, and the rest of the streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

Cephii Space: Zeph and Things Worth Looking Into Pt.2

Today on the Ether we have part 2 of a 4 part Cephii space discussing Zeph and things worth looking into before it’s too late. You’ll hear from Up, panterra, Citizens’ Dawn, Grin Spickett, Phildo Baggins, Jordan Mariano, UltraXBT, and more! Recorded on December 6th 2023.

Make sure to check out the newest tracks from Finn and the RAC FM gang over at! The majority of the music at the end of these spaces can be found streaming over on Spotify, and the rest of the streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

Cephii Space: Zeph and Things Worth Looking Into Pt.1

Today on the Ether we have part 1 of a 4 part Cephii space discussing Zeph and things worth looking into before it’s too late. You’ll hear from LVL10 n00b, Up, panterra, Rarma, Oliver Meredith, søi2studio, Faisal, Coach Bruce Wrangler, and more! Recorded on December 6th 2023.

Make sure to check out the newest tracks from Finn and the RAC FM gang over at! The majority of the music at the end of these spaces can be found streaming over on Spotify, and the rest of the streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

Cephii Space: Zeph ATH Incoming Pt.2

Today on the Ether we have part 2 of a 2 part Cephii space entitled Zephyr ATH Incoming. You’ll hear from Up, Coach Bruce Wrangler, King Wabi, Rarma, StaleProof, Drake on Digital, Zer, Jordan Mariano, Star Fox, panterra, Clutch, d rocks, and more! Recorded on November 18th 2023.

Make sure to check out the newest tracks from Finn and the RAC FM gang over at! The majority of the music at the end of these spaces can be found streaming over on Spotify, and the rest of the streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

Roundtrip Our Wealth Again with Luna and Zeph

Today on the Ether we have panterra hosting a discussion about Luna and Zeph taking another roundtrip with our wealth. You’ll hear from Cephii, Pedro, dworktoshi, DoogginMyThang, Up, Star Fox, and more! Recorded on November 16th 2023.

Make sure to check out the newest tracks from Finn and the RAC FM gang over at! The majority of the music at the end of these spaces can be found streaming over on Spotify, and the rest of the streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

Cephii Space: Zeph Will Go Parabolic?

Today on the Ether we have Cephii hosting a discussion on Zeph and whether or not it will go parabolic. You’ll hear from Up, Coach Bruce Wrangler, Drake on Digital, logan shippy, Anthony Napolitano, Don-Sama, zephoorr, Clutch, panterra, Defoexterthy, LVL10 noob, Rarma, Janet, Michael Hock, sanjeev Rawat, Yaser Al-Tarawneh, and more! Recorded on November 14th 2023.

Make sure to check out the newest tracks from Finn and the RAC FM gang over at! The majority of the music at the end of these spaces can be found streaming over on Spotify, and the rest of the streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

Smart Accounts: A New Paradigm for the Next Bullrun

Today on the Ether we have panterra from Obi hosting a space about account abstraction as a service and smart accounts. Recorded on June 23rd 2023.

Make sure to check out the newest tracks from Finn and the RAC FM gang over at! The majority of the music at the end of these spaces can be found streaming over on Spotify, and the rest of the streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

Closed VS Open Source

Today on the Ether we have Coach Bruce Wrangler back hosting what some may consider the greatest debate of our time. The Sauce. Closed VS Open. There’s something a little extra special about this debate, and without giving too much away, let’s just say it’s a discussion on a more artificial than superficial level. You’ll hear from 0xEars, Cephii, SGT KᕫJI, panterra, Zdrifko, c3drik The Narwhal, Tendermint Timmy, RyanLion, Towqeer Gilkar, Jimmy the Otter, and more! Recorded on June 2nd 2023.

Make sure to check out the two newest tracks from Finn and the RAC FM gang over at! The majority of the music at the end of these spaces can be found streaming over on Spotify, and the rest of the streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

Caliber Cookout Ep 2

Today on the Ether we have the Caliber Capital Group hosting episode 2 of the Caliber Cookout. You’ll hear from MrMohawk, Dave Swinbank, CosmosHOSS, panterra, Sen Cøm, JGnft, Miguel, and more! Recorded on May 20th 2023.

Make sure to check out the two newest tracks from Finn and the RAC FM gang over at! The majority of the music at the end of these spaces can be found streaming over on Spotify, and the rest of the streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.