Stargaze Week 26 Creator Chat

Today on the Ether we have the Stargaze week 26 creator chat! You’ll hear from Women From Cosmos, ia750, Danny, and more! Recorded on September 1st 2022.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

Kaddex Kadena Developer Roundtable AMA

Today on the Ether we have Kaddex hosting a Kadena developer roundtable AMA. You’ll hear from Nicolas Ramsrud, KDX.Obi-Don, KDX_Rivaldo, AshleyDCan, CryptoDinho, Onassis Meme King, and more! Recorded on September 1st 2022.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

Opportunities Everywhere! web3 Devs are Building on the Kadena Ecosystem

Today on the Ether we have a Kadena space hosted by Action.CEO chatting about builders building web3 on the Kadena ecosystem. You’ll hear from Howling Husky, Full Spend Yacht Club, Alpha Slayers Club, k:Cameron Bright, KDLaunch, Noveleader, JakeOnChain, and more! Recorded on September 1st 2022.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

DeFi Deep Dive with Levana Protocol

Today on the Ether we have the DeFi deep dive hosted by Levana Protocol. You’ll hear from Jonathan Caras, BeachDragon, Rebel Defi, Ryan, Highlander, Deebs DeFi, and more! Recorded on September 1st 2022.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

Juno Builders: TFM AMA with Highlander and StakeEasy

Today on the Ether we have a Juno builders space hosted by TFM chatting with Highlander and StakeEasy. You’ll hear from Ryan, Vivek On Chain, Kevin Garrison, Chinoman10, and more! Recorded on September 1st 2022.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

Cosmic Community Spaces with Ser Robo of Rac

Today on the Ether we have the Cosmic Community space hosted by LiLGainzz. The focus today is on your good friend and mine, Robo, aka the Rock of Rac, aka Ser Robo of Amplington, aka RACeyser Söze the Mayor of RACville, aka Robo the Rowdy, aka Robo Toebo, aka the Duke of Degen Mountain…. Ok that’s all I got.

It’s a good chat if you want to hear Robo’s origin story, edited by yours truly to save your hearing because when Robo speaks, he speaks with a passion and a fire you don’t see often in a bear market. You’ll also hear from Rarma the CTO of RACville, Legendariu𝕊, 𝕊on of Atom, and more! Recorded on September 1st 2022.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

Nearblocks ‘N Frens: Learn About DeFi on Near and Aurora

Today on the Ether we have Nearblocks hosting a space with Coinhall and Aurigami chatting about DeFi on Near and Aurora. Recorded on September 1st 2022.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

L2 On Air: Phezzan Protocol

Today on the Ether we have L2 On Air with Phezzan Protocol, hosted by Numio. You’ll hear from Mark Anstead, octoberhorse.eth/ust, and more! Recorded on September 1st 2022.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

Cosmos Spaces: Cosmonaut Bootcamp with Tendermint Timmy

Today on the Ether we have Tendermint Timmy back hosting a Cosmos Spaces Cosmonaut Bootcamp! You’ll hear from jacob katsof, Jimmy the Otter, JaparJam, Mayor Ed Dantes, Bbandz, Tricky, TechniqueADA, jans, antoine, Robertb, and more! Recorded on August 31st 2022.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

The Future of web3 Gaming

Today on the Ether we have the Wolfpacks hosting a space about the future of web3 and gaming. You’ll hear from TheDefiJedi, CatchKing, Flight Force 4, John Chen, Rekt Wolf NFTs, and more! Recorded on August 31st 2022.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.