Red Spaces: Mars Hub Launch Update

Today on the Ether we have Mars Protocol hosting the Red Spaces, with a discussion of updates on the Mars Hub launch. You’ll hear from Grant, José Maria Macedo, RyanLion, larry.stars, xulian, BlackTrader19, Dane, Dohko, and more! Recorded on February 1st 2023.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

Luna Community Pool: Ransacked or Deployed Efficiently

Today on the Ether we have panterra and RyanLion hosting a Luna community pool space. Are the Luna community funds being ransacked or deployed efficiently? You’ll hear from Eris Protocol, Channel TerraPoker, Chris Amani, Grin Spickett, Jared_TFL, Finn, Evan, Chinoman10, BlackTrader19, Shrute, Shaun, Ponzi Flow, Deep Blue Seas, Kuji.Konvict, Motivating Jean, and more! Recorded on January 5th 2023.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

Stride’s Cosmos Hub Validator Set

Today on the Ether we have Stride hosting a discussion on their Cosmos Hub validator set. You’ll hear from liquid vishal, John Galt, Florian Liss, BlackTrader19, Stake&Relax Validator, Curious Cosmonaut Research, Cosmos Joe, Blocks United Validator, Zdeadex, BlockHunters, Kalia Network, and more! Recorded on November 17th 2022.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.