Angel Governance: Typhoon Rai Relief

Today on the Ether we have the Angel Protocol governance space for Typhoon Rai relief. Speakers include JayJaboneta, 0xlambertd, and more!! Recorded on February 4th 2022.

Make sure to check out our sponsors, Orbital Command, Luart, Talis, and WeFund! We appreciate their support.

Future Foundation Reboot

Today on the Ether we have the Future Foundation Web3 x social impact speaker series reboot. Recorded on January 20th 2022.

Today’s episode of the Ether is brought to you by!

Luart is the first gamified NFT platform built on the Terra network. Experience a seamless minting and trading experience all while earning rewards, for just being a user. Be sure to follow them on Twitter for more info.

Happy Halo-Days with Angel Protocol and Galactic Punks

Today on the Ether it’s Happy Halo-Days! Angel Protocol, Restore Earth, and the Galactic Punks have a chat. Recorded on December 29th 2021.

Thorstarter and Angel Protocol AMA with Danku

Today on the Ether, we have an AMA hosted by Danku with Thorstarter and Angel Protocol. Recorded on December 18th 2021.

Orbital Command Presents: The Terra Alpha Hour

This space was hosted by Orbital Command. It’s the Terra Alpha Hour with Angel Protocol.

TerraSpaces Pilot Episode

Thanks for checking out the pilot episode of TerraSpaces! Hop aboard the ship and let’s go explore.