Interchain Info: Cosmos Index by SparkIBC

Today on the Ether we have Speicherx with Coinhall hosting a discussion with Corporate Timothy from SparkIBC about the Interchain Info Cosmos Index. You’ll hear from Gritz, King Wabi The First, Coinlandingpage, and more! Recorded on February 5th 2023.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

Camp Gaiad AMA with elprof.eth Ep 7: How to Attract Remote Jobs

Today on the Ether we have episode 7 of the Camp Gaiad AMA with elprof.eth discussing how to attract remote jobs. You’ll hear from Scribblings.hi, Cryptsam.nft, Adeptcreator.dao, Oxchella.nft, Saaniyol.dao, and more! Recorded on February 4th 2023.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

Weekly Catch Up with Demex

Today on the Ether we have the weekly catch up with Fish Market Academy and Demex. Recorded on February 2nd 2023.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

Confio’s New Path AMA

Today on the Ether we have an AMA hosted by CosmWasm discussing Confio’s new path forward. You’ll hear from The Real Interchain, Simon Warta, and more! Recorded on February 2nd 2023.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

Angel Protocol: Black History Month Fundraiser

Today on the Ether we have the Angel Protocol Black History Month fundraiser AMA. You’ll hear from Shaun Robinson, Chauncey St. John, La Professora, Black Women Network, Trinity Davis, and more! Recorded on February 1st 2023.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

New Osmosis Incentives Model AMA with Hathor Nodes

Today on the Ether we have an Osmosis incentives model AMA featuring HathorNodes hosted by Osmosis Community Updates. You’ll hear from RoboMcGobo, Myles O’Neil, Togg LeTek, and more! Recorded on February 1st 2023.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

Depeg Nation Terra Community Grant Proposal AMA

Today on the Ether we have Finn from TerraSpaces hosting Depeg Nation for a discussion on their recent Terra community grant proposal. Recorded on January 31st 2023.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

Hyperliquid DAO Wars AMA

Today on the Ether we have the Hyperliquid DAO Wars AMA with the Rekt Gang. You’ll hear from xulian, Galactic Punks, Coleman, Karma, Giannis Martakos, PolygonPunks Community, Rekt Validators, and more! Recorded on January 30th 2023.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

MUN Blockchain AMA with Cosmos HOSS

Today on the Ether we have the MUN Blockchain AMA hosted by Cosmos HOSS. You’ll hear from Crypto Guru, Kingwealthjr, and more! Recorded on January 30th 2023.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.

wLuna Crypto AMA: The Great Debate

Today on the Ether we have WSB Trader Rocko hosting one of the “great” crypto debates of our generation, wLuna. Does it equal Luna or Lunc? You’ll hear from 0xEars, Duncan, LunaticLuncLover69, 0xfaffy, Grin Spickett, Crypto Island, and more! Recorded on January 29th 2023.

If you enjoy the music at the end of the episodes, you can find the albums streaming on Spotify, and the rest of your favorite streaming platforms. Check out Project Survival, Virus Diaries, and Plan B wherever you get your music.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supports TerraSpaces.