C.A.S.H. NFT Giveaway

Clown Ass Shit House

Thank you to everyone who participated! The winners have been sent their NFTs.

Are you ready for a multi community cross chain NFT giveaway? If you minted C.A.S.H. on Stargaze and hold a NFT from one or more of these projects, you can enter to win MORE NFTs!

One mint of C.A.S.H. = 1 Entry
Five mints of C.A.S.H. = 5 Entries
Submit the proper form once for each mint / entry.

Winners will be randomly chosen on December 26th 2023

If you have any questions please join the TerraSpaces Telegram and Finn will be happy to assist you. Good luck everyone, and happy minting!

Here are the actual NFTs each community will be able to win. You must be holding a NFT from the community you create a submission for in order to qualify.

Winners will be chosen randomly on December 26th 2023.

Enterprising Tomatoes
Enterprising Tomatoes (Migaloo)
Clowns 9000
Clowns 9000 (Stargaze)
Maneki Neko
Maneki Neko (Stargaze)
Migaloo Whales
Migaloo Whales (Migaloo)
PixeLions (Terra)
Racoon Supply
Racoon Supply (Stargaze)
Rekt Bulls
Rekt Bulls (Stargaze)
Skeleton Punks
Skeleton Punks (Terra)

Each NFT shown here was either minted or purchased from on secondary specifically for this giveaway as a way to say thank you for being such an awesome community.